Sunday, June 3, 2007

Introducing Eric

"Ah-ha-ha-ha luv 'im sa-ha-ha-ha-ho mu-huh-huh-huch!" I cried.

"Ah know ya do, hunneh," Eric repiled.

It always feels good when someone can immediately respond to your quirky movie quote.  And Eric doesn't hold it against me that I can't quote "The Big Lebowski," a huge quotable in our office. 

Our little key department has a doorway that all the newbies trip on.  After a couple of stubbed toes, you teach yourself to step gingerly over the treacherous carpet strip.  No one will ever forget the day that sweet Besty Sugarman's feet flew out from under her in a flurry of office activity.  Seriously, you could get some air if your are walking fast enough. 

Summer 2005, the office is buzzing.  Agents are running about, all four of us are on the phone, keys are jangling, the all-page is bellowing, Eric comes flying through the door, and "Smack!" He is face down spread eagle on the floor.  Everyone jumps up from their desk, and drop their respective duties, concerned that he has broken his nose.  What I saw in that split second before the fall (that no one else spied) was an ear-to-ear grin on Eric's face as he made his dramatic pratfall.  It was all planned.  Nice gag, Eric. 

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