Thursday, July 12, 2007

Introducing Hell's Knitters

Alright, I know I said that I strive to keep it real with my friends, and that I don't befriend people I don't know.  Well, I don't know Hell's Knitters, but I love what they stand for. 

Hell's Knitters is another rogue knitting graffiti team.  Heck, it may only be one person.  I spied their profile on the friends list of Knitta.  There are a lot of Stitch&Bitch group knockoffs, but the thing about the HK crew that enticed me is their open membership. 

I love Knitta, I aspire to be a Knitta, I feel out-crafted by Knitta, though.  I would never think to ask to join their team, but I am sure that there are just enough novices who are excited by the sheer bad-assness of this team.  They are probably desperate to get into the inner sanctum, and although Knitta is not anti-assembly, they are pro-start-your-own-thing.  Knitta politely asks that you do not use their official tag.  HK not only doesn't mind that you copycat, they encourage it by providing their friends with a tag.  You can download a handy-dandy PDF file with a space for your name and location.  That's probably in response to Knitta's strict ways, and neither really seem wrong to me. 

So, I also like HK for their profile: Lime green with a flying skull and crossbones made of knitting needles.  That's so simultaneously killer and cute.  After getting caught at work knitting while rapping along with Roots, I feel I belong. 

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