Friday, May 25, 2007

Introducing Lauren

A lot of people talk behind Lauren's back.  Myself included. 

Lauren burst into my office a few weeks ago.  She was trying to get people to join a pool or a fantasy league.  May the ghost of Harry Caray strike me dead, but I live in Chicago, and I HATE SPORTS!!  I have zero interest in stats, players, etc.  My office always rallies the troops, especially during the slow season, to join football pools and the like.  Anyway, I was doing my best to ignore her, because it looked like she was trying to make eye contact with me.  I did not want to throw good money away in the name of professional sports.  Well, Lauren waited.  She stood there until I paid attention to her.  Turns out she was assembling a fantasy league of celebrities.  Like the Betty Ford Olympics.  I had to laugh. 

I have heard people talk about Lauren.  Mutterings in the lunchroom about her superior work ethic.  I, myself, have gossipped that she is able to get along with just about anyone.  So, there.  I said it.  She's friendly.  OKAY??!!

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