Friday, February 6, 2009

Freek Four 1/6-1/12

Although I had a handful of triumphs last week, I need to pull in the reins. I also need to remember to drink tons of water, even on my days off of work. It's much easier to stick to a regimen there.  With all the side effects from drugs, Marky has turned into much more of a morning worker outer.  I have decided to do more in the morning.  I feel better after a morning workout, and its OVER for the rest of the day.  I just have to decide to be a morning gal.  

1/6 Breakfast: 1/2 Grapefruit, blueberry oatmeal, yogurt, coffee. Workout: 1 hour P90X stretching. Marky and I did it together to relax before his doc's appointment, and if everything is okay, we might go back tonight to do some cardio. I'm definitely more flexible than I was a month ago trying this program Lunch: ER soy protein burger on a whole wheat bun, pickles, grilled onions, swiss cheese, tomatoes, salad Snack: Pear, cheese stick Dinner: We went to Mia Francesca, okay? I tried to do semi-senisible. I had pesto ravioli, carpaccio, and two glasses of red wine. Oh, and a Slim-A-Bear bar.

1 /7 Breakfast: 1/2 Grapefruit, blueberry oatmeal, yogurt, coffee. Lunch: ER Spicy Thai Noodle Soup, Salad Snack: Pear, cheese stick, slice of lunchroom pizza Dinner: ER Chicken Enchilada, asparagus, beet, salad, Slim-A-Bear, small glass of red wine. Marky's doctors advised him to drink more red wine to keep the bad cholesterol down. Who am I to argue?

1/8 Workout: 60 min walking 3.7 mph, 5.0 incline. I don't have much of an appetite. I'm working on taxes, and it's date night Sunday. I always screw up my calories on date night. I think I'm a little scared to eat anything until I can feel out the situation. Lunch: Pad Woonsen from Cozy, 2 1/2 potstickers Dinner: Salad with 1/2 avocado, small glass red wine, 100 calorie bar.

1/9 Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, yogurt, cereal Lunch: ER black bean soup, salad, cheese stick Snack: Pear, cheese stick Workout: 20 min each elliptical, treadmill, stationary bike, crunches, pushups, Bosu hops, wall squat curls w/ball, sidestep squat with ankle band, ball leg curls Dinner: ER Soy Protein burger with swiss cheese, green chile, grilled onions, pickles, asparagus, beet, salad, 100 calorie bar.

1/10 Workout: 10 min bike to the gym, 55 min walk 3.7 mph 5.0 incline Breakfast: ER Blueberry Oatmeal, 1/2 grapefruit, yogurt Lunch: Yummy Yummy Kung Pao Chicken w/miso and eggroll Snack: Apple, cheese stick Dinner: Whole wheat pasta with peppers, squash, onions, asparagus, salmon, salad, 100 calorie bar, glass of red wine.

1/11 Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, cereal, yogurt Lunch: ER Turkey Chili, salad, cheese stick Snack: apple, cheese stick, Small box Wheat Thins Workout: 20 min running 5.8mph, 0.5 incline, 25 min walk 3.5 mph, 6.0 incline, 30 min kickboxing Dinner: Whole wheat pasta with salmon, peppers, asparagus, onions, 100 calorie bar

1/12 Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, cereal, yogurt Lunch: ER Split pea soup, salad, cheese stick Snack: Apple, cheese stick, bagel chips (too many to be proud of) Workout: 40 min running 6.0 mph 0.5 incline, 20 min walking 3.5 mph 6.0 incline Dinner: Homemade chicken pot pie.

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