Saturday, January 27, 2007

Five Tiny Moments in Cinema

There are some spoilers in here, you can handle it. More than grandiose blockbuster moviestar studded huge epic hours of film, I love the little stuff. It can be a look, a mistake the director decided not to edit out, sometimes it's just golden silence. Rather than watch the Academy Awards (we saw about 4 minutes) we popped an Oscar contender in the DVD player - "Half Nelson" - and I decided to make a list of my favorite little things.

5. Ethan Hawke in "Reality Bites": When the group dances to "My Sharona" in the convenience store, Troy (Hawke) nervously smiles at the guy behind the counter. It always makes me laugh.

4. Jack Nicholson in "The Departed": I'm not going to pretend that people didn't notice this, but Costello's (Nicholson's) rat face during his discussion with Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) was priceless. Unnecessary, but it made me laugh out of sheer nervousness.

3. Marlon Brando in "On the Waterfront": When Terry (Brando) and Edie (Eva Marie Saint) are having a discussion on a swingset, Terry takes one of her little white gloves and tries it on. A big lug like that. Adorable.

2. Johnny Depp in "Benny and Joon": When Benny (Aidan Quinn) finds out that his little sister Joon (Mary Stuart Masterson) and Sam (Depp) are sleeping together, it looks like someone grabs the dial on Sam's emotional TV and starts flipping channels. Shock, giddiness, remorse, fear. All in a second.

1. Ryan Gosling picking up the stray cat in "Half Nelson". After seeing his cat dead in his apartment, Gosling's strung-out character instinctively picks up the first cat he sees. It was such a good choice. Why such a young cat? Was it the director's idea? What was he planning to do with the cat?

I realize that this list is a little man-heavy. What can I say? I like boys. After seeing the slant in this list, I will be sure to give props to all my fave lady moments, too!

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