I forgot to mention in the last blog that my salads have dressing. I use Kraft Caesar, fully leaded. I use Olive oil occasionally on a baked vegetable at night, but for the most part, this is my fat/oil allowance. I hate hate hate the taste of light dressing. Honestly, I usually can't tolerate bottled dressing of any kind, but something about the stank of Caesar must override that polysorbate-phenol-triglyceride-ish taste.
1/22 Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, cereal, yogurt Lunch: ER Spicy Thai Noodle Soup, salad, cheese stick Snack: Apple, cheese stick Dinner: ER Chicken Enchilada, 1 oz Mexican cheese, salad, 2 glasses wine, 100 calorie bar. I went out with a friend for drinks after work, and didn't work out. Tomorrow I can't work out either, but I have two gigs coming up, and I'm not going to beat myself up about it.
1/23 Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, cereal, yogurt, coffee Lunch: ER Potato Leek Soup, salad, cheese stick Snack: 8 Triscuits, Apple, cheese stick Dinner:ER Cheese Ravioli, beet, salad, 100 calorie bar Indulgence: 2 glasses of wine, Small whole wheat tortilla with Mexican cheese. I wanted some White Castle Chicken rings after this gig. More than I can explain. SO badly. I had to make a little midnight snack. Oh, god, then Marky followed me home and offered me a slider and a half. What is wrong with him? Of course I ate them. Are you kidding? Forgive me, diet gods.
1/24 Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, cereal, yogurt, coffee Lunch: Turkey mini combo from Ruby Tuesday (2 little turkey burgers, fries, and a salad) Dinner: ER Sesame Chicken, Sweet and Salty Nut Bar. Workout: Jogged 45 min 5.6 mph 0.5 incline, Walked 15 min 3.5 mph 8.0 incline. Another gig night. I had a couple drinks at the bar, and a couple more at an after hours club. Jeez. C'est la gigue. No gigs for a while, thank goodness.
1/25 Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, cereal, yogurt, coffee Dinner: ER Lasagna with Meat sauce, salad, green beans and squash, 100 calorie bar Workout: assisted pullups, seated leg press, alternating lunges with lateral raise, cable chest press, crunch machine, cable push/pull, 60 min walking 3.5 mph, 6.0 incline. I usually don't skip lunch, but I woke up really late today. I should also try to make up for some of those extra calories last night.
1/26 Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, cereal, yogurt, coffee. Lunch: ER split pea soup, salad, cheese stick Dinner: ER Chicken Lettuce Wraps w/water chestnuts, carrots, green onions, snow peas, and 1/2 cup of soba noodles, 100 calorie bar Workout: 15 min jog 5.6mph, 15 min walk 3.5mph. Dinner tonight was like a religious experience. I stuffed my face.
1/27 Workout: 45 min walking 3.5mph 6.0 incline, jogging 5.6 mph 0.5 incline Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, cereal, yogurt, coffee. Lunch: ER black bean soup, salad, cheese stick Snack: Pear, cheese stick Dinner: It's pretty great to work out early. Sounds a little dorky, but I can ride that sense of accomplishment all day. Also, I can lose a lot of motivation throughout the workday. I'm more apt to do the whole hour when I'm not jonesing for late night TV on the couch. Getting out of bed is the hardest part. And Cash Cab is on in the morning!
1/28 Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, cereal, yogurt, coffee. Lunch: Healthy Choice Minestrone (this was gross and I'm never eating it again), salad, cheese stick Snack: Apple, cheese stick, Triscuits Dinner: Enchiladas Verdes from Buena Vista. 100 calorie bar, popcorn. Workout: Channel Surfing. Today was a shitty day, and Marky and I both needed comfort food. More about that in 10 days.
1/29 WEIGH IN - I lost 3%! Yippee!! Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, cereal, yogurt, coffee. Lunch: ER Black Bean Soup, salad, cheese sti... wait, that's what I brought for lunch. What I actually ate was a burger with fries. And not just any burger with fries, but Flub a Dub Chub. Can I get an amen from my apartment peeps homies? This is the definition of emotional eating, and I am so glad I'm blogging it all. Otherwise I'd have eaten a bag of goldfish and a Toll House ice cream cookie sandwich by now. Disgusting. I'm so full I could barfaroo. Workout: Bench row, Dumbbell fly, bench dip, curls, Sumo squat, Leg Press, seated cable row, Rope Triceps extension, Prison style Bulgarian squat. 20 minutes walking/10 minutes running. Dinner: ER soy protein burger, carrots and brussels sprouts, salad, 100 calorie bar.
1 comment:
I like these posts! You are motivating me to eat better and start working out more.
WORD to the Healthy Choice minestrone being gross. I had that about a year ago and did not like it.
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