Friday, June 1, 2007

Introducing Damian

Let's see...  This is weird, because Damian and I dated in high school.  Even though it was a long time ago, and we are both married to other folks, now, I have this strange feeling about writing a blog about him.  I'm gonna just go for it. 

Damian was in a band.  The band rehearsed in a house catty corner to my house on Washington.  I liked things like the Monkees and Nelson, and although I was excited about having a boyfriend in a band, I had a strong feeling I would not like their brand of music.  Well, the band let me sit in and be a groupie for an afternoon.  The first song was really cool.  Once Damian got through the first verse, I recognized the hook from Nine Inch Nails' "Head Like a Hole".  Until then, I had written Trent Reznor off as a moody little bitch who had no cultural significance.  Then Gabe did "The Choice is Yours" by Black Sheep (I think?) and that opened a little window to rap that hadn't been there before. 

Also, Damian told me something that I will never forget--and every member of every band should know this.  Sometime after rehearsal, like a week or two down the road, I begged Damian to skip rehearsal to spend time with me.  He told me that Paul, one of the former members of the group, became a former member when he missed one too many rehearsals.  They realized they didn't need him, and they just went on.  It was a very grown-up-way-of-the-world idea.  Even though he was chronologically younger, Damian was typically a little more of a mental adult than me when it came to practical life issues.  I think of what Damian told me every time I feel too tired or busy to go to rehearsal. 

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