First, thank you, Amanda for providing the title of today's blog.
Marky and I had a salmon dinner, a glass of wine, we're playing Wii Sports Resort, and are singing songs about Cameltoe Rock and Wedgie Island. We're debating whether to bike, play tennis, or drive out to hike Starved Rock tomorrow. We're normal people. Better than normal. Today is Tammy Faye's second birthday, and it's a total non-issue. Yes, there are 12 prescription bottles on the coffee table, but we've both gotten used to it. Yes it's a financial drag, and yes, tomorrow is another day. But we're here today, and it's a beautiful thing.
There have been a couple of signs. I've been looking for them a little, but one should. We looked for a symbolic bottle of wine tonight at Dommie's. Marky found something that said "Anniversary" on the label. Good enough. As we put it in the basket, I noticed it was a 2007 wine. That's Tammy's year! Even better. This afternoon, as I walked past an ultra-colorful/non-denominational/humorous church on Broadway, the marquis read, "I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist," Tammy Faye Bakker. Just a little nod from the namesake.
Really, that's it. We both sat down to dinner, and had to stop to remind ourselves of the importance of today. Honestly, I forgot about Tammy Faye's big day until late this afternoon. It's a weird anniversary to celebrate, the life of a kidney. But we have a lot to be thankful for, and fortunately, the time to do it.